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(703) 982-0622

Careers Overview

Volts IT, a progressive and fast growing firm provide challenging work opportunities coupled with conducive work environment. We are always looking for intelligent & experienced Technical, Functional and Management consultants, who are ready to take on the challenge to develop and implement leading edge software applications as well as share their ideas to maintain the highest quality standards in the industry. Our goal is all-round skill enhancement and continuous learning in line with the long-term career aspirations and success of our employees.

Current Openings                

Volts IT is a people-oriented organization. We take pride in being able to foster a work environment conducive to the career development, learning, and continuous development of our employees. Our priority is to have satisfied and motivated employees, who can add value to company’s growth. We are an organization that thrives on fairness, honesty, transparency, and courtesy. We leave no stone unturned to ensure the welfare of our employees.

Our management is committed to employees and policies are designed to factor in the aspirations and desires of the employees at a personal level. Our impeccable track record of growth and high degree of customer satisfaction is largely attributed to our extremely skilled and highly motivated team of employees, who are committed to satisfy and surpass client expectations.

Join Us

We look for individual at all levels and various positions. You can apply through any of the ways listed below to take up the opportunities available with Volts IT. You can be assured of equal opportunity, regardless of how you submitted your profile to us.

We work more like a family rather than like a company. We are, of course, highly professional as far as our duties and responsibilities are concerned. But at the same time, we also equally value the social side of our employees. In fact, we maintain an ideal balance between the professional endeavors and the social orientations of our employees.


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Volts IT

About us





Artificial Intelligence


Cyber Security

Cloud Services

Software Consulting

Texas Office

5321 Ruby Dr.

Fairfax, VA 22030


TELEPHONE: (703) 982-0622


5321 Ruby Dr.

Fairfax, VA 22030


TELEPHONE: (703) 982-0622